How to Know if You Have a Disc Herniation

Persistent back and neck pain can severely disrupt your daily life and make enjoying hobbies or activities challenging. While many factors create back and neck pain and discomfort, one of the most widespread issues generating lasting nerve compression comes from a herniated disc. Detecting signs and symptoms of a herniated or ruptured disc allows you to seek appropriate care before it leads to significant health problems. Our team at Dixie Injury & Rehab in Louisville, KY, is here to talk about herniated disc symptoms and how our chiropractic care can help residents in the Dixie and Shively area manage pain.

Identifying Symptoms of a Disc Herniation

While dramatic disc herniation from sudden trauma garners headlines, progressive deterioration from years of repetitive rotational stress and natural aging is the most common culprit of your herniated disc. As discs lose hydration and their rigid exterior walls weaken, the thick gel-filled nucleus fluid shifts or leaks under pressure onto delicate nerve roots near your spinal column.

Nagging numbness, tingling sensations, or radiating pain flaring down the arms, legs, and extremities represent classic signs and symptoms of herniated discs. Your chiropractor near you can use advanced imaging to reveal localized inflammation and direct impingement from disc material pressing against nervous system structures. Your chiropractor can then determine an optimal treatment plan to address the underlying cause of your herniated disc and prevent herniation in the future.

Hands-On Care for Restoring Comfort

Your chiropractor near you can apply advanced adjustment techniques to facilitate the body’s exceptional self-healing abilities. Highly targeted manual therapies alleviate pinched nerve compression and irritation naturally, while guided exercise and stretches reduce painful muscle tension and spasms from arising. Anti-inflammatory nutrition plans support healing across treatment plans and strengthen your body’s function. Consistently following your chiropractic treatment plan ensures substantial, lasting pain relief and allows nervous system recovery.

Visit Your Chiropractor Near You in Louisville, KY, for Long-Lasting Pain Relief

Herniated discs can make working or enjoying your day-to-day life challenging or impossible, so contact Dixie Injury & Rehab in Louisville, KY, to get the chiropractic care you need to move like you used to. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (502) 447-9554 if you have a herniated disc and live in the Dixie and Shively area.


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