Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy combined with chiropractic care can help patients experiencing symptoms related to various health conditions. Combining cardiovascular and strengthening exercises can help increase the body’s natural abilities to heal itself, increase energy, and improve the body’s circulation, which can help with pain management related to neck, back, and shoulder pain. Our Dixie Injury & Rehab chiropractor serving Shively, KY, and Dixie, KY, works to help treat patients using various techniques, including exercise therapy. 


Conditions Treated with Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy can help treat various conditions, improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and boost energy levels. Exercise can be used to help treat arthritis, back pain, shoulder pain, stomach and digestive issues, and more. Speak with our chiropractor to help ensure you are healthy and capable of performing specific exercises if you are older or are injured. 

Benefits of Exercise Therapy

There are several potential benefits associated with exercising. Exercise therapy can be important for recovery from injuries, pain management, and chronic conditions. Combined with other chiropractic care therapies, exercise can help keep the muscles toned, promote circulation, and increase the range of motion. This can help promote proper digestion, reduce pain, and improve the body’s natural healing abilities. 

How a Chiropractor Can Help with Exercise Therapy

Seeing our chiropractor on our chiropractic team can help provide you with a series of exercises designed to target your condition, injury, or pain. Through chiropractic care, prescribed exercises are meant to help treat the individual patient and not just provide a means to mask symptoms. 

Types of Exercises Recommended by a Chiropractor

During your visit with our chiropractor, he will walk you through exercises to help get your injured body part moving. Additionally, our chiropractor will send you home with some activities to continue doing throughout the day at home in between appointments. Common exercises recommended by our chiropractor include stretching exercises, core strengthening, posture correcting exercises, and balancing. 

See a Chiropractor Today for Exercise Therapy and Shoulder Pain Relief

Discover the benefits of exercise therapy by scheduling an appointment with our chiropractor to learn more about this form of chiropractic care treatment. Our Dixie Injury & Rehab chiropractor, Dr. Langschied, can serve patients in Shively, KY, and Dixie, KY, and show them how important exercise therapy can be for injury recovery and pain management. Call our office today to schedule an appointment and start your exercise therapy treatment plan. Call us at (502) 447-9554


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